Sunday, May 12, 2013

Todays Workout

What was everyone working out at the gym today? I personally am on a 3-day workout split, and today just so happened to be Back and Biceps. Not a lot of people realize the benefits of variation in their workouts. Keeping the body guessing is the best thing for growth and results. My favorite is to take one  muscle group on a bi-weekly basis and go H.A.M. (Hard as A M*th*erF*ck*er). How do you bust out of a  plateau?

What is everyone eating today to stay healthy? Food besides working out is one of the key things to getting and staying in shape. It is often a neglected part of our training because it is so easy to cheat. Having a strict diet will help you achieve that next goal you are aiming towards. Do not listen to commercials telling you that there is some sort of magic pill or drink to help you get that figure you always wanted. It is simply eating right and eating often. You want to eat often to maintain your metabolism, skipping meals or not eating frequently will having a negative effect on your metabolism causing it to slow down. EAT CLEAN AND TRAIN DIRTY! 

Saturday, May 11, 2013

My biggest pet peeve in the gym is when people go to one machine/bench/area and stay there for over an hour. Come on, you're definitely getting the most out of workout if your stationary the whole time. You need to move around hit your body from different angles and really take your workout to the next level. If your stationary in the gym your most likely stationary in your goal progress. TRAIN HARDER THAN ME!!

Finding Gym Motivation

Finding Motivation to go the gym might be one of the hardest things to do sometimes. There are a million excuses as to why you can't make it to the gym on a certain day, but there's only one reason why you should; TO TRAIN HARD AND ACHIEVE! No matter what your experience level is or what your gym goal is, fighting through the excuse mentality and going to the gym is extremely important. The gym shouldn't be something you do occasionally when you have time, it's a way of life. Always EAT CLEAN AND TRAIN DIRTY!!